Aldesoc, Asociación Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Social del Conocimiento

Proyectos :: Proyecto Dean

Next meeting of Dean’s project in Madrid

We shall finish our project of DEAN( Digital edition, digital library and apprenticeship network) on the 7th May.

The project has reported a lot of experience in the education field. Undoubtly the new generation of younger has a lot to say in the forthcoming futre. Changes everywhere boost their lives with new ways of learning and new paths open towards a world which albeit unknown would bring happiness and freedom if the new environments are set for peace and social justice. The new society will be deemed by the actions of their younger.

Our project highlighted a new methodology called learning by doing as both individual and cooperative means of boosting courage and knowledge with the support of ICT tools changing radically the learning environments.

We shall have the results of our apprenticeship experience displayed during the next meeting of the project to be held in Madrid on the 7th May...


Dean’s project programme
Activities set for the final meeting of the project

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